Album Reviews


How To Disappear

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Casey gained a dedicated following during their early years before disbanding in late 2018. Their disappearance however seemed to act as a catalyst for a deeper appreciation of the band, with a feeling that they weren’t rewarded with the levels of success their output deserved.

Their subsequent return has certainly seen them welcomed back with open arms but perhaps now with an unfair weight of expectation attached. A handful of singles has preceded their new studio album, ‘How To Disappear’, but the hype train again doesn’t seem to have picked up steam.

There is an old saying that you don’t know what you’ve got until you don’t have it anymore and that really does feel like a fit with Casey. You could also describe the group as your favourite bands favourite band, and the musical soundscape of ‘How To Disappear’ does feel like an post-hardcore connoisseurs dream.

Casey – ‘How To Disappear’

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The ambition of this collection is clear though from the outset as the band explore the impact of loss and grief. Hey, nobody ever accused Casey of being light-hearted fun! They’ve always had an innate ability to hit you in the feels and that’s exactly what they do over these twelve tracks and 45 minutes of emo indulgence.

It’s fantastic that we have such an honest and fearless band back. ‘How To Disappear’ is both a continuation of their previous work and a nod to the new generation of emotion creating rock bands. Now enjoy them while you can!

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