Album Reviews


This World Fucking Sucks

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Cassyette, born Cassy Brooking, has certainly made her mark on the rock scene since emerging amidst the chaos of the pandemic. Indeed, given how time generally flies by, it feels like Cassyette has been around for a lot longer than that!

The long wait for her debut album is finally over however with ‘This World Fucking Sucks’ now released into this very sucky world! Whilst 2022’s ‘Sad Girl Mixtape’ had given a good first taste of where Cassyette was going, this full record nails her colours to the mast.

Yes, Cassyette is here to deliver ferocity and melody in equal measure and does so with this statement of intent that runs to fifteen emboldened tracks; some seven of which had already made their way into the world before release.

Cassyette – ‘Ipecac’

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There within lies is perhaps the only gripes, that there isn’t much to surprise on this record and that perhaps it would benefit from dropping a track or two despite there not being an inherently bad track present.

Those are only minor observations however and in the main taking this journey with Cassyette will only solidify your appreciation for an artist clearly born to do this. Be that screaming at the top of lungs on the likes of ‘Ipecac’ or serenading us with her dulcet tones on the delicate ‘Dear Sister’.

This is an album which is well worth your time and ultimately sets up this unique artist for the rest of her career, which you’d imagine will be a long and successful one on this evidence!

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