Lust for Life Or: ‘How To Thread The Needle And Come Out The Other Side To Tell The Story’
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Courting – Lust for Life Or: ‘How To Thread The Needle And Come Out The Other Side To Tell The Story’ – album review
Courting continue to grow an underground following that have fallen in love with their unique brand of experimental indie rock. That audience will only continue grow in depth and engagement as the group share their preposterously titled third album, ‘Lust for Life Or: ‘How To Thread The Needle And Come Out The Other Side To Tell The Story’.
The album is as short as the title is long, clocking in at just twenty-five minutes and eight tracks (including a bizarre intro). That intro and opener ‘Stealth Rollback’ showcase their quirky side before ‘Pause at You’ and ‘Namcy’ demonstrate their talent for writing more straight-up indie bangers.
Indeed, you get all elements of Courting on this collection and that ensures that above all else, ‘Lust for Life Or: ‘How To Thread The Needle And Come Out The Other Side To Tell The Story’ is one of the most memorable and interesting releases of the year!
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Whilst at times they may come across as rather chaotic, Courting know how to be very precise and that echoes through the writing of this succinct but impacting new album.
‘Eleven Sent (This Time)’ and ‘After You’ continue the album’s catchy yet elaborate thread before the titular ‘Lust for Life’ changes the pace completely. Slow and methodical, the track illuminates for six and half of the twenty-five minutes which make up this album.
With ‘Likely place for them to be’ closing out the short but sharp album, you’ll be left intrigued and importantly wanting more! In a world where everything feels so cookie-cutter even, it’s nice to enjoy something a little odd.
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