Album Reviews

Ricky Warwick

Blood Ties

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Rock n roll troubadour Ricky Warwick has been branching out more and more lately with his “day job” of Black Star Riders taking something of a back seat. Successful reunion shows with The Almighty have interspersed between a rejuvenated solo career, and now he is set to release his latest album, ‘Blood Ties’.

From the initial thrust of opening track, ‘Angels of Desolation’ onwards listeners will be greeted by the comforting familiarity of Warwick’s signature playing and iconic vocals. This is after all a musician who has always worn his heart on his sleeve, and you’ll pick up elements of each of his well-known escapades within these ten lovingly crafted songs.

You can sense the care that has been put into this record from the glorious riffs to the meaningful lyrics and even the artwork, which is created by Warwick’s own stepdaughter. This is a personal record in all senses of the word with some deep and insightful themes ensuring that along with his heart on his sleeve, Warwick is also baring his soul.

WATCH THE VIDEO FOR ‘Don’t leave me in the dark’
Ricky Warwick – ‘Don’t Leave Me in the Dark’

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Not to hammer a point home at all but Warwick has been around the houses of the music industry and during his respected career he has made a wealth of friends. A clutch of those friends lend their talents to this record with Charlie Starr joining in on ‘Rise and Grind’, Lita Ford adding weight to ‘Don’t Leave Me in the Dark’ and The Cult’s Billy Duffy jumping on both ‘Don’t Sell Your Soul to Fall in Love’ and ‘The Hell of Me and You’.

All of these touches elevate this album into more than just another collection of songs rushed out for an excuse to play shows. You truly can feel the passion for the craft amongst these thoroughly enjoyable tracks.

Despite some naturally downbeat themes at times, the overarching positivity of the album shines through both in the message of the record and the majestic rock n roll rampage that accompanies that voice.

In short, Warwick is in top form and this is another inspired collection of juicy rockers!

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