Album Reviews

Kid Bookie

Songs For The Living // Songs For The Dead

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“Maybe it could potentially be a good statement of what rock music can be today”. Those are the words of Kid Bookie as we talk with the man himself for The Full Pelt Music Podcast. As a human being, Bookie is modest and grounded in his self-assessment, as an artist though he is anything but grounded.

Kid Bookie naturally elevates whatever he turns his hand to and as clichéd as it may be, he is groundbreaking. Since moving away from the music others expected him to make into making the music he wants to make, Kid Bookie has found out more about himself with each release.

As he has loosened the shackles of expectation, he has torn up the industry rule book and embraced the freedom that comes with a no f*cks given attitude. This shines through on his new album ‘Songs For The Living // Songs For The Dead’.

Having worked with a who’s who of modern rock producers across the ten tracks, it’s perhaps no surprise that there is an eclectic mix of genres and styles featured. Again, the rule book is thrown out the window when it comes to tracklist and structure. Conforming to any societal or industry norms certainly isn’t Bookie’s thing (not that normal is even a real thing), and that makes this record one of the most interesting and dynamic releases of the year.

Kid Bookie – ‘AI (Save Yourself)’

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‘AI (Save Yourself)’ is a great opener which is the perfect example of what new nu-metal should be. The fact that the track then gives way to an acoustic ballad is unique to say the least. But… rather than be a jarring transition, it offers the listener their first moment of intriguing revelation.

This isn’t a collection where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, no, instead this record flows like a ‘Now that’s what I call music’ compilation album. Fusing rock, metal, rap, hip-hop, pop-punk and so much more, ‘Songs For The Loving // Songs For The Dead’ simply defies genre. Despite this, Bookie’s vision brings an irregular cohesion to the album, with each track standing out for its own reason.

As you familiarise yourself with this magnificent collection, you’ll likely ask yourself why can’t all music be so boundless and exciting? You may therefore consider this an exceptional statement of what modern rock music can be! And yes, that is important and adds significance to this album, but above all else, this album is just so damn infectiously enjoyable.

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Check out our two Podcasts, with a new interview with Kid Bookie incoming!