Constellations for the Lonely
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Beset amongst a backdrop of cancelled tours and the need for singer Jimi Goodwin to seek support for his mental health struggles, Doves last album cycle ended somewhat chaotically.
Back now with ‘Constellations for the Lonely’, an album written in the aftermath of that chaos, there is a feeling of peaceful reflection, and a wistful vision of hope entangled throughout these ten carefully crafted songs.
‘Renegade’ and ‘Cold Dreaming’ welcome fans to a record which is certainly on the more thought-provoking and tender side of what the band do so well. This is a running theme throughout a record which only really unleashes the throttle at controlled intervals, but that sombre undertone complements the subject matters incredibly well.
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Whilst the spotlight could’ve naturally fallen upon Goodwin, bandmates Jez and Andy Williams take on their fair share of the workload here, each lending their vocals to select tracks across the album, which makes this album feel like a truly collaborative collection.
Musically this is a very strong set of expansive soft rock songs which all hold their own amongst the impressive back catalogue already created by one of UK indie’s most interesting bands. Fans of the trio will find a familiar warmth to this record which is only emboldened by the knowledge of what the band have gone through to make it.
As the lyrics to ‘Saint Teresa’ say – “…there’s beauty inside of the pain…”, and that line by itself does more to sum up this album then any review ever could!
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