Album Reviews

Boston Manor


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Conceptually envisioned as a sequel of sorts to 2022’s ‘Datura’, Boston Manor have created a monster with their new album ‘Sundiver’. Designed to be the sunshine to the darkness of ‘Datura’, this new collection finds the group at perhaps their most ambitious.

That in itself is some statement to make because the band have always been driven by a desire to outdo themselves. Rarely are they found stood still with recent efforts ‘Desperate Times, Desperate Pleasures’ and ‘Datura’ expanding upon their signature sound with increasing nuance.

Boston Manor – ‘Container’

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Thematically ‘Sundiver’ picks up where ‘Datura’ left off with the slow burning opening track aptly titled ‘Datura (Dawn)’. The album then kicks up a gear with three of the pre-release singles, ‘Container’, the Deftones echoing ‘Sliding Doors’ and the soaring ‘HEAT ME UP’.

Musically the record is slightly less foreboding than its predecessor, with the band aiming for more of a summertime aesthetic, without dropping the melancholic undertones. It’s fitting then that the record comes as summer segues into the auspices of autumn. You can feel the heat of the sun still, but you’ll need to wear a jacket!

The band find themselves on a real hot streak of releases and ‘Sundiver’ is more than capable of holding its own. The band have truly mastered how to write a banger as the kids would say, and you just know that these songs will go off live!

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