Album Reviews

Twin Atlantic


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Twin Atlantic have long proven that they have a special ability to create soaring rock anthems in which you can lose yourself. Indeed, as they release their seventh studio album, ‘Meltdown’, they are well and truly past their discovery phase.

As the band released a run of four magnificent albums between 2009 and 2016, they were on a clear trajectory to the top. Big shows and huge festival slots followed but come January 2020 their upwards curve began to flatten… and that, despite the year, isn’t a pandemic reference.

Whilst the world closing down weeks after releasing ‘Power’ wouldn’t have helped, neither did the lacklustre response to an album which sought to expand the sonic palate of the band. Then 2022’s ‘Transparency’ came along and compounded the issue. Despite an obvious ambition to journey somewhere outside of their comfort zone, the band simply sounded lost, and that flattened curve threatened to head downwards.

Twin Atlantic – ‘Sorry’

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That does put a lot of pressure on new release, ‘Meltdown’, to stop the rot. A steady series of pre-release singles has teased a fabled return to form and as you progress through these eleven new tracks, you’ll be reminded of exactly why you fell in love with Twin Atlantic in the first place!

The charm of frontman Sam McTrusty once again shines through and helps to elevate these songs to new heights. Their trademark guitar-led emotive rock sound is back in full force, but with the lessons of their past two albums making this their most mature and well-rounded collection to date.

The haunting ‘Snow In Texas’ is a stunning finale to an album which feels like a greatest hits effort in terms of the various strong points of Twin Atlantic being on full show. This is a battle-hardened band re-establishing what makes them special.

The lyrics “I wanna make you proud” close out the record and the band have certainly done themselves proud with this great collection.

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