Album Reviews


The Sky, The Earth & All Between

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ARCHITECTS – THe sky, the earth & all between – album review

The Architects fanbase has had a lot to say about their musical direction over the past decade. The band have evolved their sound and embraced a more mainstream sonic aura which has drawn a truck-load of obvious comparisons to their friends Bring Me The Horizon.

The irony there being that early year’s fans of that band also developed a hyper-critical mindset as they undertook the journey that led them to superstardom. Funnily enough, for both bands, their success only grew as they pushed their boundaries further and further.

Now, Architects follow the growing list of acts recruiting the production services of ex-BMTH genius Jordan Fish. It’s unlikely then to be much of a surprise as we reveal that their new album, ‘The Sky, The Earth & All Between’ sounds exactly as you would expect it to!

Architects – ‘Blackhole’

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Whilst those pesky BMTH comparisons will only echo louder, the group are unlikely to care as this record finds its way into more ears than ever before. Yes, to use a tired cliché – this is probably their most accessible work to date and also probably their most coherent release in recent years. Indeed this album will be an enjoyable and absorbing listen for modern day Architects fans.

It also has a few moments which will extend a hand to some of those lapsed fans, offering them an avenue back into the fold. To that extent, something this album does well is try and accommodate every aspect of their arsenal.

Critics will perhaps rightly point out that a negative of Fish’s sudden availability is a seemingly relentless stream of similar releases looking to exploit his signature aesthetic. You can forgive artists though for wanting to get in on the action and Architects truly have more right than anyone else to do just that.

The overall verdict therefore is that this is a strong release from Architects that is well worth your attention – be you a new school or old school fan or perhaps a complete beginner. Remove yourself from the growing noise that surrounds the band and you’ll find a decent album underneath.

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