Live Reviews

Pale Waves

The Waterfront, Norwich

Thursday 3rd October 2024

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PALE WAVES – NOrwich – live review

If the length of the queue outside The Waterfront in Norwich is anything to go by, then anticipation is high for the opening night of the ‘Smitten’ tour!

Hot on the heels of the release of their fourth album, Pale Waves are back on the road and many shows on this run are sold out as fans clamour to see how these charming love songs translate to the stage.


Before then however, the packed venue is treated to an opening act making waves of their own. swim school are one of those bands that have built some good early momentum and now need to ensure that they capitalise on their potential.

Despite a rather polite Norwich crowd this evening, you are still able to see the impression that the trio leave on the crowd. Singer Alice Johnson quips that they have been referred to in the past as a “sh*t version of Pale Waves” before adding “hopefully we aren’t so sh*t anymore”. Tonight the likes of ‘give me a reason why’ and ‘see red’ certainly dispel any such thoughts. Instead you are left further rooting for the band to succeed!

swim school – ‘BORED’

That concept is evidently ingrained into the fanbase of Pale Waves. Again, as they arrive onstage you can see and feel the special connection they share with their audience. It’s a beautiful thing to witness and even when kicking off with two new tracks, ‘Perfume’ and ‘Not a Love Song’, the crowd sings back every single word.

‘There’s a Honey’ and ‘Change’ then take it up a notch or two and by the time Pale Waves deliver rarer number ‘Drive’ the symbiosis between fan and artist is complete. This remains extant throughout the rest of the performance and ensures an uplifting atmosphere is enjoyed by all.

We spoke in our recent review of ‘Smitten’ about the prolificacy of Pale Waves, and as the set progresses the sheer amount of standout tracks that the band now possess is another testament to this.

Particularly noteworthy is that the new tracks can undeniably hold their own amongst old favourites ‘Television Romance’, ‘Eighteen’, ‘Easy’ and ‘She’s My Religion’. Finally, an encore of ‘Glasgow’ and ‘Jealousy’ is more than enough to send the audience back home happy.

It has been an engaging night with both acts delivering on the promise of the evening. Pale Waves are operating at a consistently high level across their studio and stage outputs and swim school are hot on their heels!

Pale Waves – ‘Perfume’

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Live Reviews

Nova Twins

Waterfront, Norwich

Friday 17th February 2023

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Tonight is a sell out and anticipation is high for one of rocks brightest prospects as Nova Twins commence their UK Tour at the Waterfront in Norwich! This was already a hot ticket, but the added attention the band received at the Brits recently has raised the bar further.

Entering the venue, you know full well that this will likely be the last time Nova Twins are playing venues this small. A rocket has been strapped to their backs and rightly so, because they fitted it themselves. Everything coming their way has come from their own DIY ethics, their own creativity and their own natural talents.

Fittingly, the band has selected two more acts that fit that bill to open on this tour. Up first are Uninvited, who on their showing tonight will be invited to many more shows in the future. Not previously on our radar, they very much are now after an assured and intense opening set. Quickly winning the packed crowd over with their blistering pace, keep an eye on this band, we certainly will be!

Next up are a band further down their career path as it were. Opening slots with My Chemical Romance last summer may have placed Witch Fever on many people’s maps, but the group has been making a noise for a little while now with a steady stream of increasingly impressive singles.

Tonight, they are clearly playing to a crowd in the know and that creates a fantastic atmosphere as the band demonstrate the raw power that has been the base of their early work. The likes of ‘Bloodlust’, ‘Congregation’ and ‘Blessed Be Thy’ sound absolutely massive in this relatively small venue and you again would expect Witch Fever to be moving on to headlining these sized rooms in the near future.

Nova Twins – ‘Choose Your Fighter’

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Nova Twins have quickly established themselves on the scene through two very well received albums and a string of support slots and festival appearances. Having caught them play a number of these shorter sets, our main question tonight is how do the band translate over a full headline set. The answer, as was expected, is very well indeed!

Starting off with the likes of ‘Fire & Ice’ and ‘Cleopatra’, the band quickly asserts their ferocious energy on the stage. Audience participation comes naturally and at times it feels like the band and audience are in fact one with each other.

The likes of ‘Taxi’ and ‘Play Fair’ still go hard and the likes of ‘Sleep Paralysis’ simply leave you in awe of the majesty emanating from the stage. Even we opened this review by calling Nova Twins prospects, but that isn’t the case, no, this band are the present and they are ready to take over the world!

An encore of ‘Antagonist’, ‘Undertaker’ and ‘Choose Your Fighter’ is just the cherry on top of the cake. Tonight has shown the sheer quality of new rock acts out there at the moment, with all three bands clearly set for bigger things.  

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Read our review of ‘Supernova’ from Nova Twins

Live Reviews

Pulled Apart By Horses

Waterfront Studio, Norwich

Saturday 15th October 2022

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All 📸 (c) Denis Gorbatov / Full Pelt Music

Perennial contenders Pulled Apart By Horses have just released the fifth studio album of their near fifteen year career. ‘Reality Cheques’ features a more streamlined sound and tonight in Norwich we get to see how that translates on stage.


Opening the early evening show at the Waterfront Studio are local newcomers Magnolia. It’s difficult to find much about the band online and even harder to pigeonhole them into any genre.

Describing themselves as psychedelic post-punk, there are certainly elements of those genres present in amongst their experimental sound. There are also many others as killer riffs segue into moments of pure randomness. There are times of brilliance and times of dreadfulness in their short set. Only a young act, there is something here, I’m just not sure what it is yet!


Next up are a band clearly further along their discovery path. Londoners The Howlers recently released new EP, ‘Further Down the Line’ and songs from that record are highlights tonight.

The group own the stage like they are industry veterans and the crowd are left in awe of a top quality support slot. These are the shows where newer acts can win new fans and build their audiences and the likes of ‘The Boy I Was Before’ and ‘El Dorado’ will have done some excellent building work tonight.


Finally, our headliners Pulled Apart By Horses take to the stage and from the first angry guitar strum the intimate audience are raucous! To say that both band and crowd are up for it tonight would be an understatement and that makes for a fantastic atmosphere on this Saturday night.

New album, ‘Reality Cheques’, naturally features heavily in the set list for Pulled Apart By Horses and as they open with ‘Pipe Dream’ and ‘First World Problems’ it’s clear that the album passes the live test. The new songs sound massive as do older tracks such as ‘The Haze’ and ‘The Big What If’.

During a cost of living crisis, small shows such as this are superb value for money and our headliners deliver an energetic and engaged display from start to finish – something often found lacking with arena shows.

As Pulled Apart By Horses close their set with fan favourites ‘V.E.N.O.M.’, ‘I Punched A Lion In The Throat’ and ‘High Five, Swan Dive, Nose Dive’, they reaffirm themselves a standout live act and rubberstamp the fact that five albums in they remain a creative force.

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Read our review of ‘I Don’t Belong Anywhere’ from October Drift

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