Album Reviews

Mt. Onsra

Sacred Time

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Fate can be a strange thing! For Simon Allen and Russell Cleave, fate (and a pandemic haircut!) would reunite two old bandmates some 20+ years since they last made noise together.

Mt. Onsra was born, and a remotely recorded debut album emerged as the world remained shut down. Almost immediately though, the duo set about creating an even bigger follow-up, which this time around could (mostly) be made in-person.

That sophomore record is now here! Entitled ‘Sacred Time’, the album bursts into life with epic introduction ‘Emergent’. Having grabbed your attention, the duo ensures that over the following eight songs you remain immersed within their massive sound.

Mt. Onsra – ‘Emergent’

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From the melodic to the brutal, the expansive and ambitious sound of the album is mesmerising. Each track will take you on a beautiful journey of sonic discovery and with a run time of just over half an hour, you’ll be eager to relive that trip multiple times.

As the duo continue to reconnect and discover where their second journey together is heading, their second record acts as a pertinent marker in time. This is the sound of a band ready to explore the art of the possible and capable of making an indelible mark!

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