Album Reviews

A Day To Remember

Big Ole Album Vol. 1

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Momentum is a funny thing in the music industry. You either have it or you don’t. A Day To Remember had the world behind them as they blitzed through five albums in eight years. The future was theirs and 2016’s ‘Bad Vibrations’ had them on the verge of major festival headline slots and playing bigger and bigger shows.

After that release though the brakes seemed to slam on. New album, ‘Big Ole Album Vol. 1’ marks just their second album in the nearly nine years since ‘Bad Vibrations’ and follows what was the must critically panned record of their career.

Indeed, ‘You’re Welcome’ just wasn’t good enough for a band who have previously shown a relentless capability to write banger after banger. Many therefore will be looking for this new album to right the ship and put them back on course for their destined top tier status.

A Day To Remember – ‘Miracle’

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Whilst this collection may not be the fabled return to form, it certainly does a good job in acting as a reset for the band. This is true in many ways with this being noteworthy as their first album without founding member Josh Woodard after his departure in 2021.

This refreshed version of A Day To Remember certainly do enough here to remind everyone why they garnered such momentum in the first place and thankfully after the disappointing ‘You’re Welcome’, they’ve not embarrassed themselves.

In fact, the likes of lead single ‘Miracle’, the Ollie Skyes co-write ‘Die For Me’ and the Gojira influenced ‘Silence’ are top quality A Day To Remember songs. Much of what the band do on this album works really well and the few moments which don’t quite hit the spot are still interesting enough.

Whether their time has passed to nail down that top tier status or not, only time will tell but this album ensures that they aren’t written off completely!

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