Album Reviews

The Kooks

10 Tracks to Echo in the Dark

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The Kooks have been busy celebrating their seminal debut album, ‘Inside In/Inside Out’, on recent tours, but they are a nostalgia act just yet!

New record, ’10 Tracks to Echo in the Dark’, is the group’s sixth studio album, which isn’t the most prolific discography but is on par with most of their contemporaries. What the band has done however is deliver consistency with each of their previous efforts showcasing their talents well.

Over the course of these releases The Kooks have evolved sonically and the differences between that debut and this latest release are clear. ’10 Tracks to Echo in the Dark’ features the bands now signature expansive sound and bursts straight to life with opening track ‘Connection’.

The Kooks – ‘Connection’

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At just over half an hour this isn’t a long album, which I feel helps it maintain the listeners attention. There is much ground broken on the record, now that you’re really expecting or wanted experimentation from The Kooks in 2022. That said there is enough here to fend off that nostalgia scene for a little longer.

The band do appear to have found their groove which is far removed now from the sound that broke them into the mainstream. Of course, those songs still exist and feature heavily in their live shows but if you are expecting another ‘Inside In/Inside Out’ from The Kooks you’ll be disappointed.

Expectation therefore is key when approaching ’10 Tracks to Echo in the Dark’, something which the slightly ostentatious title does assist with. This was never going to be the so called “classic” Kooks sound.

That’s not a bad thing though and this isn’t a bad album by any stretch of the imagination, it just needs a little perspective. The album isn’t a bad way to spend half an hour, but it won’t leave much of a lasting impression either.

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Read our review of Neck of the Woods Festival with headliners The Kooks