Album Reviews

You Me At Six


You Me At Six – ‘SUCKAPUNCH’

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You Me At Six – ‘SUCKAPUNCH’ – Album Review

You Me At Six are a band that are keen to show evolution on each album. This is often met with demands for the return of their early sound by certain portions of their fanbase. With ‘SUCKAPUNCH’ the band promise to continue their evolution whilst teasing heavier elements.

Those heavier undertones are apparent from the get go as ‘Nice To Me’ and ‘MAKEMEFEELALIVE’ kickstart the album with a blast of angst ridden rock. This abruptly drops into ‘Beautiful Way’ which as a song probably gives the best overall impression of the album.

You Me At Six – ‘Beautiful Way’

From here on in the experimental side of the band really comes to the fore. The title track ‘SUCKAPUNCH’ in particular wouldn’t feel out of place in a nightclub full of Instragram influencers. Well, at least what I picture that to look like!

Thematically this is a darker, harsher album from the band but it retains enough of the pop hooks that have always been present in the bands work. Whilst there is certainly that darker edge on this album it still manages to sound hugely anthemic throughout. Songs such as ‘Glasgow’ and ‘Adrenaline’ will be massive live, whenever that can happen.

Listen to ‘Adrenaline’ on our Spotify Hot List!

You Me At Six right now are a band firmly located between a rock and a hard place. They will either be criticised for changing their sound or lambasted for relying on what made them popular. Thankfully You Me At Six are a band with a thick skin and an appetite to create the music that they want to make.

With ‘SUCKAPUNCH’ they have done just that. It will alienate some old school fans, but it will also earn them many more.

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