Live Reviews

Beans On Toast

Norwich Arts Centre

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

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All 📸 (C) Denis Gorbatov / Full Pelt Music


In December, folk favourite Beans On Toast broke with tradition slightly and instead of releasing a new album on his birthday, released a collection of well received children’s stories! Well, another tradition for Beans On Toast is touring and as per his latest single, that tradition is intact with the singer now ‘Back out on the Road’!


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The road this evening leads to Norwich Arts Centre, a fantastic venue in the heart of the city and tonight is all but sold out. Early attendees are treated to a delicate and delightful opening performance from Ann Liu Cannon. You could hear a pin drop as the crowd absorb the tender words of a talented young songwriter.


Soon enough it’s time for Beans On Toast to take to a stage complete with new backdrop, lighting and a table! Yes, Beans has gone big for this tour and even has a loose setlist written on the table.

The loveably unpredictable nature of a typical Beans show remains however with the singer regularly going off-piste with audience requests and stories from the road. Beans has always impressed with his ability to improvise and tonight he deals with some rather inebriated fans with veteran aplomb.

As for that setlist, there is a good mixture of old and new as you’d expect from a musician constantly churning out topical content. New songs include anti-war protests, odes to fabled venues and considerations of an AI future. The packed crowd hang off of every word and note, as Beans On Toast demonstrates his natural ability to hold an audience’s attention.

Old favourites are present too with the likes of ‘The War on War’, ‘The Chicken Song’ and set closer ‘On & On’ enticing some of the bigger sing-a-long moments. All in all, tonight is yet another successful show for a musician who has long since established himself as an underground national treasure!

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Watch Episode 3 of The Full Pelt Music Podcast with guest Beans On Toast

The Full Pelt Music Podcast – Episode 3 – Beans On Toast

Read our review of Xtra Mile Recordings 20th Anniversary in London

Live Reviews

Nova Twins

Waterfront, Norwich

Friday 17th February 2023

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Tonight is a sell out and anticipation is high for one of rocks brightest prospects as Nova Twins commence their UK Tour at the Waterfront in Norwich! This was already a hot ticket, but the added attention the band received at the Brits recently has raised the bar further.

Entering the venue, you know full well that this will likely be the last time Nova Twins are playing venues this small. A rocket has been strapped to their backs and rightly so, because they fitted it themselves. Everything coming their way has come from their own DIY ethics, their own creativity and their own natural talents.

Fittingly, the band has selected two more acts that fit that bill to open on this tour. Up first are Uninvited, who on their showing tonight will be invited to many more shows in the future. Not previously on our radar, they very much are now after an assured and intense opening set. Quickly winning the packed crowd over with their blistering pace, keep an eye on this band, we certainly will be!

Next up are a band further down their career path as it were. Opening slots with My Chemical Romance last summer may have placed Witch Fever on many people’s maps, but the group has been making a noise for a little while now with a steady stream of increasingly impressive singles.

Tonight, they are clearly playing to a crowd in the know and that creates a fantastic atmosphere as the band demonstrate the raw power that has been the base of their early work. The likes of ‘Bloodlust’, ‘Congregation’ and ‘Blessed Be Thy’ sound absolutely massive in this relatively small venue and you again would expect Witch Fever to be moving on to headlining these sized rooms in the near future.

Nova Twins – ‘Choose Your Fighter’

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Nova Twins have quickly established themselves on the scene through two very well received albums and a string of support slots and festival appearances. Having caught them play a number of these shorter sets, our main question tonight is how do the band translate over a full headline set. The answer, as was expected, is very well indeed!

Starting off with the likes of ‘Fire & Ice’ and ‘Cleopatra’, the band quickly asserts their ferocious energy on the stage. Audience participation comes naturally and at times it feels like the band and audience are in fact one with each other.

The likes of ‘Taxi’ and ‘Play Fair’ still go hard and the likes of ‘Sleep Paralysis’ simply leave you in awe of the majesty emanating from the stage. Even we opened this review by calling Nova Twins prospects, but that isn’t the case, no, this band are the present and they are ready to take over the world!

An encore of ‘Antagonist’, ‘Undertaker’ and ‘Choose Your Fighter’ is just the cherry on top of the cake. Tonight has shown the sheer quality of new rock acts out there at the moment, with all three bands clearly set for bigger things.  

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Read our review of ‘Supernova’ from Nova Twins

Live Reviews

Black Star Riders

Ipswich Corn Exchange

Thursday 16th February 2023

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Ipswich isn’t a regular touring stop, especially for rock acts, so it’s a nice treat to get this three band bill in town. There is certainly an opportunity for growth in this area for live music and hopefully the Corn Exchange in Ipswich can pick up some more shows like this.


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Opening the evening are Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons, who work hard to get the early attendees warmed up. Consummate professionals the band are slick and tight, the proverbial well-oiled machine if you will!

New singer Joel Peters seems to have fit in very well with the Campbell clan and handles material from their first two albums extremely well. The best crowd reactions may be reserved for Motörhead classics ‘Born to Raise Hell’ and ‘Ace of Spades’, but the highlights tonight are the likes of ‘Freak Show’ and ‘Dark Days’. With two quality albums already under their belts, it’ll be interesting to see what the band has up their sleeves next.


Our second act is Michael Monroe, who has undoubtedly influenced many over the course of his career and who the fans in attendance welcome warmly. Monroe though is an act that has passed me by over the years and tonight it’s hard to see what the fuss is about as he calamitously stalks the stage like a rock n’ roll Jar Jar Binks!

A health and safety nightmare waiting to happen Monroe manages to get stuck in a scarf, hit himself in the head with his mic, spill drink over the stage and causes many band, audience and crew members to duck for cover with his various escapades.

During all of this there is some classic rock by numbers played by a competent collection of musicians but the cartoon caricature strutting the stage proves more of a distraction then a centrepiece. Again, though there are those in the audience that lap up the performance, so Monroe must be doing something right! A niche act perhaps, and whilst not mine, many others would be (and were) delighted by this performance.


Finally, it’s time for our headliners Black Star Riders who are celebrating both the past and the future with their set tonight. First, there is their fantastic new album, ‘Wrong Side of Paradise’ and arrival of new guitarist Sam Wood. Then, there is the small matter of their 10th Anniversary and return for this tour of original members Scott Gorham and Jimmy DeGrasso.

The first portion of the show focuses on the new with main man Ricky Warwick leading Wood, DeGrasso and bassist Robbie Crane through the likes of ‘Pay Dirt’, ‘Better Than Saturday Night’, ‘Riding Out the Storm’ and ‘Wrong Side of Paradise’. This early selection showcases the future of the band and confirms that there is still plenty in the tank. Wood fits the mould and helps to breathe new life into the group.

Soon enough though the iconic Scott Gorham strides across the stage to take position for the next hour or so of celebration. Seeing Gorham and Warwick side by side again is a treat and it’s nice that the band throw in a couple of Thin Lizzy numbers in a nod to the roots of the band.

Throughout the set though you are reminded just how good of a back catalogue that Black Star Riders have amassed in the last ten years. ‘All Hell Breaks Loose’, ‘The Killer Instinct’, ‘Before the War’, ‘Testify or Say Goodbye’, ‘Kingdom of the Lost’ and ‘Bound For Glory’ all sound huge tonight as Warwick and co prove that they were right to believe in themselves and the new music they could create together when faced with such criticism a decade ago.

Closing the evening with Lizzy classic ‘Jailbreak’ and Black Star Riders favourite ‘Finest Hour’, the rock fans of Ipswich are sent into the mild evening having witnessed one of the most consistently good bands of the past decade at their finest. The past decade has been sublime and thankfully the next decade looks just as good!

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Read our review of ‘Wrong Side of Paradise’ from Black Star Riders

Live Reviews

Bob Vylan

OMEARA, London

Friday 10th February 2023

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Some nights and certainly some gigs are just special. Tonight is one of those!

For a start we are all here for a vital cause, War Child. The work that this organisation does is incredible and any time we can support them is important, but to do so through music is special. It’s an exchange in values, an exchange in love and it’s a sobering reminder that many of the activities we enjoy are being unjustly stripped away and denied from children all over the world.

Then, hey, those with tickets are getting that exchange. For their support by way of the cost of admission, they get to spend their Friday night in an amazing small venue tucked down a little London side street enjoying a phenomenal live act.

The venue in question is OMEARA and that act is Bob Vylan. The tiny venue is a thing of beauty and Bob Vylan are an act well beyond venues of this size now, so that recipe for magic is all set.

All that is left is for the duo to deliver the goods, and boy do they do just that. The intimate venue is somehow made to feel even smaller as the crowd unifies as one to bounce and move along to the ferocious music coming from the stage.

The set is a good mix between their two albums, with the likes of ‘I Heard You Want Your Country Back’, ‘GDP’, ‘We Live Here’ and ‘Phone Tap’, eliciting some of the biggest reactions, but in fairness the atmosphere just never drops!

Bob Vylan – ‘The Delicate Nature’ feat. Laurie Vincent

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Bob Vylan show that they can hold the audience in the palms of their hands and control a crowd as well as anyone else. A big part of this is the strong connection between band and fans and a mutual belief in the message this beautiful bond represents.

New track ‘The Delicate Nature’ sounds massive and builds excitement for what is to come next from the duo. The set is rounded off by ‘England’s Ending’, ‘Pretty Songs’, ‘Wicked & Bad’ and an obligatory stage invasion, which sends those lucky enough to be in attendance off into the cool London night beaming with joy at what they’ve just experienced.

In a world full of injustices, we need organisations like War Child, we need artists like Bob Vylan and we need special nights like this both to escape the cruelty of life but also to refocus our minds on the battles that need fighting!

For more information and to donate to War Child head here.

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Read our review of Xtra Mile Recordings 20th Anniversary in London

Live Reviews

Xtra Mile Recordings 20th Anniversary

Shepherds Bush Empire, London

Thursday 9th February 2023

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Xtra mile recordings 20th anniversary – london – live review

There are a number of Anniversary celebrations taking place tonight at Shepherds Bush Empire in London. This is a Brits Week show raising funds for the incredible work conducted by War Child, who this year are in their 30th year of action.

Secondly, it’s the 20th Anniversary of the brilliant Xtra Mile Recordings and finally later on in the evening we will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our headliner Frank Turner’s stunning album, ‘Tape Deck Heart’!

Guise – ‘Don’t Come Back’

Lots to dissect then, and lots of action to pack into a short space of time, starting with our first artist this evening, Jess Guise. Guise serenades the early attendees with a number of tracks from her debut album, ‘Youngest Daughter’ such as the fantastic ‘Don’t Come Back’. A short yet delightful performance from an artist who continues to develop into one of Xtra Mile’s hidden gems!

BERRIES – ‘We Are Machines’

Following on from Guise after a short changeover are BERRIES, who released their stunning debut album, ‘How We Function’, last year also. Tonight London is treated to some of the fantastic tracks that make BERRIES such an impressive force such as ‘Copy’, ‘We Are Machines’ and ‘Spiral’. Again, their time onstage may be only fleeting but BERRIES make the most of it with a thoroughly enjoyable set.

Pet Needs – Get on the Roof’

Next up are Pet Needs who are fast acquiring themselves a fanbase as dedicated as our headliner’s. Yes, the usual swathe of Pet Needs t-shirts are present and from the opening chord to the last strains of feedback, every song is greeted with wild abandon from the packed crowd.

The quality of their songs combined with the energy offered onstage make a Pet Needs performance a real experience. ‘Ibiza In Winter’, ‘Toothpaste’ and ‘Get on the Roof’ are all superb tonight as the band are once again on fire.

Frank Turner – ‘Recovery’

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Soon enough it’s time to focus on that final Anniversary as Frank Turner takes to the stage to play ‘Tape Deck Heart’ in full. An album that solidified Turner as somebody able to fill some of the UK’s largest venues, it’s a treat to see him play it in the relative intimate surrounds of Shepherds Bush Empire.

Mixing up the order of songs, Turner regales the crowd with snippets of insights into the record whilst delivering some rarer tracks like ‘Broken Piano’, ‘Good & Gone’, ‘Oh Brother’, ‘The Fisher King Blues’, ‘Tell Tale Signs’ and ‘Anymore’. The crowd savour these moments just as they do the plethora of favourites that the album created such as ‘Recovery’, ‘Plain Sailing Weather’, ‘Polaroid Picture’, ‘Losing Days’, ‘The Way I Tend To Be’ and ‘Four Simple Words’!

The evening doesn’t finish there though and ever the entertainer, Turner blasts though a selection of hits to close out the night. The sing-a-long for ‘The Ballad of Me and My Friends’ is spine-tingling as Xtra Mile’s most famous son honours the label in style.

It’s been a fantastic evening celebrating ‘Tape Deck Heart’ and Xtra Mile Recordings 20th Anniversary and we should be thankful for Xtra Mile sharing artists the calibre of Turner, Pet Needs, BERRIES and Guise.

What we should be most thankful for though is for organisations such as War Child and the incredible work that they are doing. For more information and to donate head here!

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Check out our Podcasts including guests Jess Guise, BERRIES, Pet Needs & Frank Turner!

Album Reviews

You Me At Six

Truth Decay

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‘Truth Decay’ is the eight studio album to come from You Me At Six and as is often the case they’ve transitioned over that fifteen years from the hot new thing to the band it’s cool to hate!

Over the course of those eight albums there may well have been some missteps but nobody could accuse the band of resting on their laurels. They could have released five more carbon copies of ‘Sinners Never Sleep’, pocketed the money and run but instead they’ve experimented, tested waters and pushed boundaries.

Some may argue they’ve often been found playing catch-up to the latest fads and they may be correct. Music is after all a lot of trial and error and even the greatest artists have followed the wrong path at least once.

The danger that a band like You Me At Six can fall into at this stage of their career is to both try to appease the old school fans whilst also testing themselves creatively. Often this actually just leads to bands achieving neither of the above! The 2021 predecessor to ‘Truth Decay’, ‘Suckapunch’, did ultimately feel like this, so there were trepidations as we hit play this time around.

You Me At Six – ‘Deep Cuts’

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Any lingering fears soon evaporate however as ‘Deep Cuts’, ‘Mixed Emotions (I Didn’t Know How to Tell You What I Was Going Through’ and ‘After Love In The After Hours’ all manage this balance perfectly. Even a potentially cringeworthy song title like ‘God Bless the 90’s Kids’ turns out to be a super fun little tune.

Rou Reynolds featuring ‘No Future? Yeah Right’ and fellow single ‘heartLESS’ see out a strong first half and hopes rise that this could be the bands best work in years.

The second half of the album continues the trend thankfully and cements the status of ‘Truth Decay’ as just that – the best You Me At Six album in a decade!

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Read our review of ‘Suckapunch’ from You Me At Six

Album Reviews


This Is Why

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Some six years have passed since Paramore released their previous record ‘After Laughter’. A lot has happened in the intervening time and the world is a different place now, a this is reflected in their new record, ‘This Is Why’, which is their most mature offering yet.

Speculation and conjecture over the last few years attempted to deduce the sonic composition of Paramore’s next album. Would guitars become more prominent? Would singer Hayley Williams solo direction impact on the band? Well, Williams herself offered Bloc Party as a heavy influence and on the first half of this album that is clear for all to hear.

With their recent releases Paramore have shown that they are far greater than their simplistic pop-punk beginnings, although many fans will always clamour for a return to that style. The band have certainly found themselves entrenched in those circles again through recent festival appearances, but alas those fans will be left unfilled by ‘This Is Why’.

The answers to the above questions are probably a little of everything. This is distinctly a modern Paramore record, and one that isn’t afraid to dig into some wide-ranging influences. The biggest influence (sans Bloc Party!) though may be their own musical identity. This feels like perhaps the most honest album yet from the band, unshackled and ready to fully explore themselves.

Paramore – ‘The News’

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The second half of the album particularly feels like a band testing what they are capable of when they work outside the confines of their own past. This being a relatively short album at thirty-six minutes, the listening experience is succinct and the delivery precise. There are tracks that will flourish live such as the title track and ‘The News’, but there is also plenty to dissect here beyond the obvious.

This is one of those albums that deserves your undivided attention, just stick in your head phones, close your eyes and enjoy a band mastering their craft.

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Read our review of Holding Absence live in Colchester

EP Reviews

Dream State


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Sometimes a band comes along and within seconds of your first listen you know that said band is going to massive. Dream State were one of those bands when they first broke through and they were well on the way to fulfilling their promise. Sadly, often things just don’t work out for those much hyped bands and it all falls apart. Again, this appeared to be the route that Dream State found themselves going down.

What is rare is for such a band to get another chance, a second coming if you will! Well, that’s exactly what is happening right now for Dream State. A major line-up reshuffle sees new vocalist Jessie Powell stepping into some tough shoes to fill. ‘Untethered’ is our first real look at what’s to come from the rejuvenated group and spoiler alert – it’s good!

Yes, that bright future may well have been rescued by the groups driving force, guitarist Aled Evans. Powell fills those intimidating shoes with relative ease as the band expand on their existing sound with hints of where they might go all over the three track sample.

All three tracks, ‘Comfort In Chaos’, ‘Taunt Me’ and ‘Chain Reactions’, stand strongly on their own but also sit nicely together on this short collection. Everything that brought the band to the fore is here with a grandiose sonic epicness underpinning the bands sound.

Dream State need to come out swinging and make a statement with this EP, and thankfully they’ve done just that!

Read our review of ‘BAD LOVE’ from MOSKITO

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Live Reviews

Holding Absence

Colchester Arts Centre

Thursday 2nd February 2023

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As Independent Venue Week continues we head to one of the country’s finest, the wonderful Colchester Arts Centre. Seriously though, those toilets will have you feeling like royalty – toilet-circuit indeed!

In town tonight are Holding Absence who are towards the end of a tour of the UK’s off the beaten track venues and the locals are clearly excited with the show a sell out.

Most of the audience are in the venue early to catch the support (always a wise move!) and up first the crowd are treated to the ferocious Your Misery. Controlling the stage as if they were seasoned veterans, the band are able to not just warm up the crowd but fully win them over. Certainly one to keep an eye on, Your Misery couldn’t have done any more tonight to make a statement.

Our second act, Australians Void of Vision, most definitely feel like a band that know how to make a statement of their own. The group burst onto stage and fill the venue with their huge sound. It’s an audio onslaught for the next forty-five minutes as the likes of ‘DOMINATRIX’, ‘THE LONELY PEOPLE’ and ‘INTO THE DARK’ leave the crowd desperate for more.

There may not be any more Void of Vision tonight, but you can expect to hear much more in the future. With a new EP coming soon, this could be a breakthrough year for the band.

Holding Absence – ‘Afterlife’

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Our headliners, Holding Absence, have felt like they are breaking out for a few years now. Certainly not ones to rest on their laurels; their touring schedule has been intense. The majority of those shows though have been support slots, so it’s refreshing to catch them at a headline show finally.

The core fanbase of the band appear very committed and there is anticipation in the air in this old church tonight. That anticipation boils over as the band arrive on stage and quickly run through ‘Monochrome’, ‘Beyond Belief’ and ‘Like A Shadow’ much to the delight of those fans.

The setlist tonight is a real mix of the bands releases with highlights including ‘Gravity’, ‘In Circles’ and new song ‘Aching Longing’. You’d perhaps expect a little more from a headline show, but I guess the old adage is to leave the audience wanting more.

After a finale of ‘Afterlife’ and ‘Wilt’, Holding Absence most definitely do just that. With so many sing-a-long anthems or bangers as the kids would say, and an engaging stage presence you’d hope that the band will live up to their early promise.

Three bands at different stages of their budding careers tonight all make a valuable impression. It’s worth remembering that nights like this are happening up and down the country, night in night out. It’s tough out there and venues and bands need your support, so perhaps think twice on spending hundreds of pounds on those Beyonce tickets and pop down to your local independent venue instead!

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Read our review of ‘The Greatest Mistake of My Life’ from Holding Absence

Live Reviews

Black Stone Cherry & The Darkness

Resorts World Arena, Birmingham

Tuesday 31st January 2023

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One fateful night many years ago in the depths of the forests of Thetford a relatively spontaneous pairing occurred as Black Stone Cherry jumped in to support The Darkness after an infamous festival cancellation.

I was there that momentous evening to witness the magic that transpired. I was rather pleased then when the two bands announced a co-headline arena tour a decade or so later. So, tonight I head to the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham to relive that fine evening.

Opening on this tour is Danko Jones, who always delivers the goods. You know that you are in for a good rocking with Jones and tonight is no different. When your time onstage is short, you need to make the most of it and that’s exactly what Jones does with a fast paced rock n roll romp.

The Darkness – ‘Motorheart’

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The first of our two headliners to take to the stage are The Darkness and as their set progresses I find myself reminiscing of that night in 2012. I remember that the band were fresh into their return and finding their feet again as a live act. The Darkness have always been considered a fantastic live act, but tonight I realise just how much further they’ve come.

Consistently good new material over the past decade has helped, but the band has really fine tuned themselves with drummer Rufus Taylor having a large role in that. The Showmanship of Justin Hawkins, the flamboyance of Frankie Poullain and the flair of Dan Hawkins now have a harnessing force that makes them incredibly slick.

When you then throw in plenty of pyrotechnics, you have a recipe for a stunning show and that’s exactly what The Darkness deliver tonight. From opening number ‘Growing on Me’ through to theatrical set closer ‘Love on the Rocks With No Ice’, The Darkness not only reassert themselves as one of the best live acts around but demonstrate the progress that they’ve made in the last decade.

Black Stone Cherry – ‘Out of Pocket’

Progress is a key word also when considering Black Stone Cherry who close the night this time around. They’ve come a long way in the last ten years and are now a regular arena filling act in the UK.

Tonight their time onstage is perhaps slightly shorter than usual, but they still manage to pack a career spanning setlist into that time. Less theatrical then The Darkness, Black Stone Cherry have always been happy to let the music do the talking and the crowd tonight are more than content with that.

Newer material like ‘Burnin’’, ‘Again’ and their latest single, ‘Out of Pocket’ feel at home in the set and evidence the great work produced by the band since 2012. Of course though tracks from that time like ‘White Trash Millionaire’ and ‘Blame It On The Boom Boom’ elicit huge response from the audience.

These are three different performances tonight from three different bands all bound by the love of rock. I knew walking into the arena that I’d be catching three of the most consistently good live acts on the circuit, so the quality of the evening isn’t a surprise tonight. Walking out of the venue however, I’m most impressed by the growth and evolution shown since that memorable evening in the woods!

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Read our review of Shinedown live in London