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Sometimes a band comes along and within seconds of your first listen you know that said band is going to massive. Dream State were one of those bands when they first broke through and they were well on the way to fulfilling their promise. Sadly, often things just don’t work out for those much hyped bands and it all falls apart. Again, this appeared to be the route that Dream State found themselves going down.
What is rare is for such a band to get another chance, a second coming if you will! Well, that’s exactly what is happening right now for Dream State. A major line-up reshuffle sees new vocalist Jessie Powell stepping into some tough shoes to fill. ‘Untethered’ is our first real look at what’s to come from the rejuvenated group and spoiler alert – it’s good!
Yes, that bright future may well have been rescued by the groups driving force, guitarist Aled Evans. Powell fills those intimidating shoes with relative ease as the band expand on their existing sound with hints of where they might go all over the three track sample.
All three tracks, ‘Comfort In Chaos’, ‘Taunt Me’ and ‘Chain Reactions’, stand strongly on their own but also sit nicely together on this short collection. Everything that brought the band to the fore is here with a grandiose sonic epicness underpinning the bands sound.
Dream State need to come out swinging and make a statement with this EP, and thankfully they’ve done just that!